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Guest Lecture: Amy Gwatkin

Amy Gwatkin is a fashion photographer, she also makes fashion films for various clients, and often collaborates with Dazed & Confused. She spoke to us about her latest short film for Alan Crocetti's SS16 'Antidote'. Gwatkin explained the process of the making of the film, and the timescale was an insight of the industry. The dates in bold are the key dates of the process, the text in italics mention everything in between.

May 6 - Amy received an email from Emma Wyman from Dazed & Confused

Research, meetings, and emails constantly being exhanged, casting etc.

June 9 - Recorded scenes

Post-production, final adjustments

June 12/13 - The fashion film went live

A still from the fashion film 'Antidote' by Amy Gwatkin for Alan Crocetti SS16 via

The deadline was set by LC:M and DSM, as it was needed to be shown at the LC:M. Alan Crocetti's moodboard feaured scorpians, roses, and denim, which were all included in the short. Amy Gwatkin kept a note of all of her initial ideas, some she kept and some she discarded. She discussed that lighting is very important, she wanted the film to be lit from the top with coloured gels to create mood. Gwatkin explained that she teamed up with Deepa, the director of photography of the team, which brought new ideas to the table.

The location of the shoot was in the basement at The Laundry, 2-18 Warburton Road, London, E8 3FN. Amy mentioned that casting is also important, the models will be the face of that brand and they need to be abe to inspire the consumer, as well as being someone that the audience can relate to. Gwatkin paired with Jason Wallis to correct colouring, as he is a professional colour grader. Her friend Jamie Partridge created the music last minute on set, as she decided the short needed something extra.

They also made an Instagram cut to be posted on social media, so, by making it accessible across multiple platforms they were able to generate more attention to the fashion film which was beneficial for Alan Crocetti as well as Amy Gwatkin.

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